They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.
Acts 2:42 CSB

We Value...

Personal and Public Devotion to Scripture

The VIBEZ Family actively engages with scripture in their personal life study as well as in our gather settings. 

Prioritizing Fellowship and Relationship

The VIBEZ family actively attends and participates in gatherings and/or communication that foster relationship with one another.

Prayer Without Ceasing

The VIBEZ family consistently prays for and with one another both privately and corporately.

Supernatural Faith

The VIBEZ Family believes God is able to do anything! We constantly take chances, leaning on God to do more than we are capable of on our own.

Sharing of Time, Talents and Resources

The VIBEZ Family actively shares all that God has given them to support others within and outside of our community. We value sacrificial generosity and service. 

Corporate Worship

The VIBEZ Family constantly gives God his due Glory through personal and corporate worship, making it a priority to meet together to worship God in unison.