Genesis 8

“When the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, He said to himself, ‘I will never again curse the ground because of human beings, even though the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth onward. And I will never again strike down every living thing as I have done.’”
Genesis 8:21
Required Reading
Many people appreciate the Bible because it’s a history book, a documentation of real events. These events, however, are not exclusive to the Bible or Christian references. As we journey through the Bible, we will make references to other ancient kings and documents that have been found that mention key nations and characters from the Bible from King David to the early apostles of Jesus. Ancient pagan cultures also have similar accounts of floods, though the details differ. The Epic of Gilgamesh is an ancient Babylonian tablet that has a very similar reference to a flood just like the flood of Noah, yet the ark was a perfect cube and the gods who sent the flood were less than compassionate. The Sumerian account of Atrahasis is another account similar to the flood, yet the gods' intentions for wiping out mankind was as a means to please themselves. It’s possible that these accounts had some indication of an actual flood that occurred. However, as Christians, we don’t believe the flood was under the command of other gods, but of the one true God.
The uniqueness of the Bible’s account is one that has a history that has an origin dating back to Adam and extending a century past the death and resurrection of Jesus thousands of years later. And the rhetoric of this story is unwavering. We also get insight into this relationship between a divine being and humanity that is unlike any other religion. One of grace and compassion. God rid the earth for moral reasons because mankind was no longer treating each other with love and kindness. He also went to great lengths to save some of his creations in hopes of starting again. God decided to do this knowing that human nature is evil and will sin again (Gen. 8:21). Tomorrow we will see that it doesn’t take long before there is sin and God’s judgment.
Let’s take a quick look at this relationship. God walks with a man, Noah, on earth. He tells him to build an ark because He’s going to flood the earth. The earth indeed floods and God actually saves Noah, his family, and the animals. Then God safely places the ark on dry ground. God tells Noah the exact time to come out of the ark. And the first thing Noah does is worship the Lord, God. He worships God who has walked with him and saved him. Then Noah sacrifices some clean animals, most likely some form of ox, sheep, and gazelles. This would’ve been a sacrifice indeed because there weren’t many of each of these. Yet, he gives a portion back to the Lord in faith and with gratitude. The Lord accepts the sacrifice as it’s described as a “pleasing aroma” to the Lord. Then God makes some promises and eventually a new covenant.
In this verse, God refers back to the Garden of Eden during Adam’s time and states that he will never curse the ground again because of human sins. Recall that all of creation suffered due to sin. When God cursed Adam, Eve, and Satan, earth itself and the animals were also cursed. This promise to never curse the earth again depicts a powerful God, showing restraint and mercy. He will never go to such great lengths again until He brings an end to the earth. Graciously, He’s even laid out what that will look like for us in the book of Revelations. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Let’s sit and reflect on how loving it was for God to save humans although the evil hearts of mankind didn’t change. He knew there would be much heartbreak in the near future and for years to come, but He still saved them. Would you have saved them?
The uniqueness of the Bible’s account is one that has a history that has an origin dating back to Adam and extending a century past the death and resurrection of Jesus thousands of years later. And the rhetoric of this story is unwavering. We also get insight into this relationship between a divine being and humanity that is unlike any other religion. One of grace and compassion. God rid the earth for moral reasons because mankind was no longer treating each other with love and kindness. He also went to great lengths to save some of his creations in hopes of starting again. God decided to do this knowing that human nature is evil and will sin again (Gen. 8:21). Tomorrow we will see that it doesn’t take long before there is sin and God’s judgment.
Let’s take a quick look at this relationship. God walks with a man, Noah, on earth. He tells him to build an ark because He’s going to flood the earth. The earth indeed floods and God actually saves Noah, his family, and the animals. Then God safely places the ark on dry ground. God tells Noah the exact time to come out of the ark. And the first thing Noah does is worship the Lord, God. He worships God who has walked with him and saved him. Then Noah sacrifices some clean animals, most likely some form of ox, sheep, and gazelles. This would’ve been a sacrifice indeed because there weren’t many of each of these. Yet, he gives a portion back to the Lord in faith and with gratitude. The Lord accepts the sacrifice as it’s described as a “pleasing aroma” to the Lord. Then God makes some promises and eventually a new covenant.
“When the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, He said to himself, ‘I will never again curse the ground because of human beings, even though the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth onward. And I will never again strike down every living thing as I have done.’”
Genesis 8:21 CSB
In this verse, God refers back to the Garden of Eden during Adam’s time and states that he will never curse the ground again because of human sins. Recall that all of creation suffered due to sin. When God cursed Adam, Eve, and Satan, earth itself and the animals were also cursed. This promise to never curse the earth again depicts a powerful God, showing restraint and mercy. He will never go to such great lengths again until He brings an end to the earth. Graciously, He’s even laid out what that will look like for us in the book of Revelations. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Let’s sit and reflect on how loving it was for God to save humans although the evil hearts of mankind didn’t change. He knew there would be much heartbreak in the near future and for years to come, but He still saved them. Would you have saved them?
Reflection Questions
- What type of god would you rather serve, one that uses humans for their own pleasures or one that desires an interpersonal relationship?
- If you were Noah, what would’ve been the first thing you did after exiting the ark over a year after boarding?
- If you knew someone would continue doing evil, would you continue to give them chances?
- Recall a time when God has either fulfilled a promise to you or given you another chance? How did you feel? What can you do to show God gratitude?
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