Job 31-34

It is not only the old who are wise or the elderly who understand how to judge.

Job 32:9

Required Reading


Right out of college I had the privilege of teaching in a Christian academy that ranged from Pre-K2 to 5th grade. It was there that I learned early on that some of the wisest people in the world have mandatory naps every day. I would constantly find myself blown away by some of the simple things these children would say that would have such a profound effect on me.

Now that I have five children of my own, I'm blessed to be encouraged by the faith and wisdom of young children on a frequent basis. A recent example of this is when I was making my case as the best dad in the world and my four year old reminded me, "No, God is the best dad in the world."

Well...I can't argue with that.

I imagine that's how Job and his friends felt when Elihu first speaks up in chapter 32. This young boy listened patiently to the back and forth conversation between these friends, showing honor and deference to his elders. But starting in chapter 32 he begins to share wisdom well beyond his years because it's not age that gives wisdom but the Spirit of God.

I thought that age should speak and maturity should teach wisdom. But it is the spirit in a person—the breath from the Almighty—that gives anyone understanding. Job 32:7-8

This is a critical biblical truth in scripture. There are numerous examples of young people being godly examples for those who are older. From Joseph and Jeremiah in the Old Testament, to Mary, mother of Jesus and Timothy in the New Testament, there are countless examples of people making an impact on the world before they would be considered a legal adult here in America.

Unfortunately, we often discount the words and wisdom of the young. But when we do that, we put the Word of God in a box and potentially miss an opportunity to hear from him. And as we find in today's reading, those words shared through young people are sometimes wiser than even the most righteous man on earth.

What have you been told of late by some younger or less experienced than you? Did you listen? Take time to reflect on your willingness to receive the wisdom of young people. Ask God to reveal to you His truth and equip you with the evidence to support it for both yourself, and for others you know.

Reflection Questions

  1. The devotional mentions examples of young people in the Bible who made significant impacts. Can you think of other biblical examples or personal experiences where you've witnessed wisdom from unexpected, youthful sources?
  2. Reflect on Job 32:7-8. How does this passage challenge your conventional understanding of wisdom and age? How might this change our approach to mentoring or leadership in the church?
  3. The author shared a personal example of his child reminding him that "God is the best dad in the world." Share a time when a child's simple statement profoundly impacted your faith or perspective.
  4. Why do you think we often discount the words and wisdom of young people? What societal or personal biases might contribute to this?
  5. The devotional suggests that discounting youthful wisdom might mean "putting the Word of God in a box." What are the potential consequences of this in our personal lives and in the church?
  6. How can we create an environment in our families, churches, and communities that values and encourages the spiritual insights of young people?

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