Job 1:6-22

Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? No one else on earth is like him, a man of perfect integrity, who fears God and turns away from evil.”
Job 1:8
Required Reading
One of the greatest barriers for unbelievers in accepting the Bible as true and authentic is the character and person of God. Many ask the question, "If there is a God who loves us so much, why is there so much evil in the world?"
Quoting from Dr. James Emery White's book, Christianity for People Who Aren't Christians, he points out that one atheist blogger put it this way.
This perspective is shared by many atheist and agnostics alike, and can be even more challenging when you look at the Bible and the stories it tells.
We'll explore this often throughout the year as we cover some difficult narratives, but Job is first to invite us to consider the question, "Why would God allow bad things to happen?"
Or more specifically, "Why would God allow bad things to happen to good people?"
The first five verses of Job paint the picture of a righteous and upstanding man. In fact, Job is so righteous, that when Satan is looking around the earth, God proudly invites him to notice Job, of whom he says, "No one else on earth is like him, a man of perfect integrity, who fears God and turns away from evil." - Job 1:8
That is high praise from the Most High God. God believes Job is the best that the earth has to offer and is worthy of being noticed by others. Yet what he does next is so difficult to understand.
In verse 12 God gives Satan permission to take away all of Job's possessions. Job has done nothing wrong, yet as we see over the next few verses he has almost everything taken away from him. From his children to his livelihood, everything is killed and destroyed in less than 24 hours.
So again, the question is why?
Does this mean God does not love Job?
Does this mean this story can't be true and that God cannot exist?
If we can't answer this question, does it call the credibility of the Bible into question?
These are questions we will consider and reconsider multiple times this year, but today, take time to reflect on what you believe about why God allows bad things to happen in this world. Ask God to reveal to you His truth and equip you with the evidence to support it for both yourself, and for others you know.
Quoting from Dr. James Emery White's book, Christianity for People Who Aren't Christians, he points out that one atheist blogger put it this way.
"If I was God, the following words and phrases would not exist...War. Drugs. Disease. Hunger. Murder. Poverty. Rape. Oppression. Sorrow. Poor. Victim. Kill. Fight. Gun. Sadness. Genocide. Third World. Loneliness. Famine. Accident. Death. Jealousy. Weapon. Anger. Slavery. Atrocity. Apology. Homeless. Bomb. Old. Conflict. Abortion. Need."
This perspective is shared by many atheist and agnostics alike, and can be even more challenging when you look at the Bible and the stories it tells.
We'll explore this often throughout the year as we cover some difficult narratives, but Job is first to invite us to consider the question, "Why would God allow bad things to happen?"
Or more specifically, "Why would God allow bad things to happen to good people?"
The first five verses of Job paint the picture of a righteous and upstanding man. In fact, Job is so righteous, that when Satan is looking around the earth, God proudly invites him to notice Job, of whom he says, "No one else on earth is like him, a man of perfect integrity, who fears God and turns away from evil." - Job 1:8
That is high praise from the Most High God. God believes Job is the best that the earth has to offer and is worthy of being noticed by others. Yet what he does next is so difficult to understand.
In verse 12 God gives Satan permission to take away all of Job's possessions. Job has done nothing wrong, yet as we see over the next few verses he has almost everything taken away from him. From his children to his livelihood, everything is killed and destroyed in less than 24 hours.
So again, the question is why?
Does this mean God does not love Job?
Does this mean this story can't be true and that God cannot exist?
If we can't answer this question, does it call the credibility of the Bible into question?
These are questions we will consider and reconsider multiple times this year, but today, take time to reflect on what you believe about why God allows bad things to happen in this world. Ask God to reveal to you His truth and equip you with the evidence to support it for both yourself, and for others you know.
Reflection Questions
- Why do you think God allows bad things to happen in the world?
- How do you reconcile a loving God with a God who would allow Satan to torture Job?
- What stands out to you about God's conversation with Satan?
- What do you notice about Job's response to the tragedy he experienced?
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