Job 35-38

Who is this who obscures my counsel with ignorant words? Get ready to answer me like a man; when I question you, you will inform me.

Job 38:2-3

Required Reading


My wife knows I have this thing I do when the kids are supposed to be sleep at night time but are instead playing. I walk into their bedroom but make sure to open the door very suddenly as to startle them and let them know I mean what I'm about to say.

That's how it felt when God entered the chat.

When God finally decides to speak, 38 chapters later, he enters with an authority that only God possesses. He commands the attention of all who were listening and those of us who would read his words generations later. Read again how he begins.

Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind. He said: Who is this who obscures my counsel with ignorant words? Get ready to answer me like a man; when I question you, you will inform me. Job 38:1-3

Now that he has our attention, what is it that God has to say?

In short, stay in your lane.

God reminds us over and over again in chapter 38 who is God and who is man. He reminds us that our understanding is limited to our finite experience.

Where were you when I established the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding, (v. 4)

He reminds us that our level of control is extremely limited.

Have you ever in your life commanded the morning or assigned the dawn its place, so it may seize the edges of the earth and shake the wicked out of it? (v. 12-13)

He reminds us that the depth of our perspective is extremely shallow.

Have you traveled to the sources of the sea or walked in the depths of the oceans? Have the gates of death been revealed to you? Have you seen the gates of deep darkness? Have you comprehended the extent of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this. (v. 16-18)

He even reminds us that anything we do know came from him anyway.

Who put wisdom in the heart or gave the mind understanding? (v. 36)

In other words, God enters the conversation and simply reminds us to stop trying to figure him out. We couldn't understand him or his ways if we tried. We simply don't have the capacity to store all of the knowledge and experience God has to piece it all together.

So what does that mean for us?

Maybe God would rather us focus less on why and focus more on howRather than spending time wondering why God is doing what He is doing, we should instead focus on how he wants us to respond.

This was God's focus. And we'll see tomorrow how Job responds to God's words. But today, take time to reflect on how God would want you to respond to the trials of life. Ask God to reveal to you His truth and respond accordingly.

Reflection Questions

  1. The devotional begins with an analogy of a parent entering a child's room. How does this relate to God's entrance in Job 38? How does it make you feel about God's authority?
  2. God asks Job where he was when the earth was created. How does this question put our human existence into perspective?
  3. The devotional mentions that God reminds us of our limited control. Can you share an experience where you realized your lack of control over a situation? How did it affect your faith?
  4. God points out the shallowness of human perspective. How can acknowledging our limited understanding help us in our relationship with God?
  5. The devotional suggests focusing more on "how" to respond rather than "why" things happen. Why do you think this shift in focus is important? How might it change our approach to difficulties in life?
  6. Reflect on verse 36: "Who put wisdom in the heart or gave the mind understanding?" How does this verse impact your view of human knowledge and wisdom?

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