Job 27-30

I will never affirm that you are right. I will maintain my integrity until I die.

Job 27:5

Required Reading


If there's one thing that bothers me, it's to be misunderstood. I'm generally a neutral, even keeled personality that let's most things roll off my back but if you want to invoke an impassioned response from me, question my intentions or my character.

Which is why I couldn't help but empathize with the suffering that Job experienced. In fact, I believe this form of suffering is often under discussed in his story. Because in addition to losing his family, his wealth and his health, Job experienced a constant attack on the one thing for which he likely believed he could control...his integrity.

Today's reading primarily focuses on Job's continued defense of his actions before the friends who questioned his integrity. The consistent rhetoric from these frenemies was that Job couldn't possibly be the man everyone thought he was. They spend chapter after chapter implying that his reputation was a facade and that his actions when no one was looking must be vile and despicable for these things to be happening to him.

But they were wrong.

Job was not the man they were accusing him to be. Job was exactly the man he believed himself to be. And what I appreciate about Job is that he did not allow the doubt shared by his friends to change who he was. Look at what he says at the start of chapter 27.

As God lives, who has deprived me of justice, and the Almighty who has made me bitter, as long as my breath is still in me and the breath from God remains in my nostrils, my lips will not speak unjustly, and my tongue will not utter deceit. I will never affirm that you are right. I will maintain my integrity until I die. I will cling to my righteousness and never let it go. My conscience will not accuse me as long as I live! Job 27:2-6

True integrity is being the same person no matter who is watching or what is happening. Job knew this. And he knew to "speak unjustly" or "utter deceit" would only validate the opinions others had of him.

The challenge for us is can we be consistent in our character no matter the situation we're in. If we're honest, many of us cannot have the same confidence as Job in our character because our character is often inconsistent.

Perhaps we use foul language with some but turn it off for others.

Perhaps we claim to be celibate in some crowds while we're sleeping with others.

Perhaps we give publicly but are privately stingy.

Whatever our issue may be, take time to reflect on your integrity. Let Job challenge you to be the same person no matter who is watching. Ask God to reveal to you His truth and respond to it accordingly.

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think attacks on our character or intentions often provoke such strong emotional responses?
  2. In what ways can you relate to Job's struggle to maintain his integrity while facing criticism?
  3. Job says, "I will maintain my integrity until I die." What challenges do we face in modern society that make it difficult to maintain consistent integrity?
  4. How does public perception sometimes influence our behavior? Is this always negative, or can it sometimes be positive?
  5. Consider the statement: "True integrity is being the same person no matter who is watching or what is happening." Do you agree? Why or why not?
  6. In what areas of your life do you find it most challenging to maintain consistent integrity?

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